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Ultimate Custom Night

Size : 158.33 Mb
Version: 1.0.3
Updated: May 16, 2020
Size : 180.52 Mb
Version: 1.0.2
Updated: May 17, 2020

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

In the game, players need to set their own defense strategy to resist the attack of mechanical animals. Players can protect themselves by adjusting camera monitoring, power consumption and the opening and closing of protective doors in the control room. Players need to flexibly set up defense strategies according to the action rules and characteristics of mechanical animals. Players can also choose to drive mechanical animals to break through the opponent's defense. Players can choose from different mechanical animals and use their special skills and abilities against the Night's Watch. By mastering how mechanical animals behave and attack, players can better understand their opponents and gain an advantage. What’s more, players need to survive for a limited time until the end of the night. In the process, players need to deal with various mechanical animal attacks, control power consumption, and stay alert. Once captured by a mechanical animal or the power runs out, the player will fail and be defeated by the game.


【Pros and Cons】


1. The game offers the option of customizing defense strategies and driving mechanical animals, and players can customize the game according to their preferences and strategies. This adds to the strategy and playability of the game, allowing players to experiment with different strategies and tactics.

2. There are a variety of mechanical animal characters to choose from and collect in the game, each with a unique look and ability. This gives players more options and challenges, adding variety and fun to the game.

3. There are still a number of puzzles and hidden content waiting to be unlocked and discovered. This fuels the player's desire to explore and explore, adding depth and playback value to the game.



The adrenaline rush and horror elements of the game can be too intense for some players. This can cause discomfort or distress for some players.

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