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The Game of Life

Size : 70.25 Mb
Version: 2.2.7
Updated: June 19, 2019
Size : 369.85 Mb
Version: 2.2.2
Updated: March 18, 2019

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The Game of Life is relatively simple to play. Players can choose different characters to represent themselves. Each character has its own starting fund and special abilities, and players can choose the character that best suits them according to their preferences. The game starts in college, players need to choose whether to go to college and choose a major. These choices will determine the player's starting point and opportunities for the rest of the journey. In the game, the player needs to make various decisions according to the instructions and event cards on the game board. These decisions may relate to work, marriage, family, investment and risk. Every decision has an impact on the player's life and wealth. And players will gain or lose wealth based on their decisions and luck. They need to accumulate as much wealth as possible by earning salaries, investing, buying and selling properties, etc. When players reach the end of their life journey, they will enter the family phase and retirement phase. Players can choose whether to get married, have children, and plan for retirement. At retirement, a player's wealth and income determine their quality of life and the ultimate winning conditions of the game.


【Pros and Cons】


1. The Game of Life is a classic board game, and the digital version continues its fun and addictive gameplay. Players can simulate and experience various life decisions and challenges in the game, adding to the fun and entertainment of the game.

2. There are many different choices and decisions available in the game, involving work, family, wealth, etc. Players can make different decisions based on their preferences and strategies, and see how they affect the progress of the game.

3. The Game of Life supports multiplayer online and LAN mode, players can play the game with friends or family, increasing the interaction and competition of the game.



The Game of Life is relatively simple to play, and the content can seem relatively limited to players looking for more depth and long-term challenge.

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