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Teacher Simulator

Size : 97.52 Mb
Version: 1.4.6
Updated: July 30, 2021
Size : 149.92 Mb
Version: 1.4.6
Updated: September 21, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

Have you ever dreamed about being a teacher and educating children? Here is your chance. In Teacher Simulator, you can experience the authentic daily routines of a normal teacher and learn a lot about this career from the game. As a teacher in the classroom, you need to always get prepared to answer students’ questions, and sometimes it can be rather tricky. Also, during the exam, you should carefully watch the students and catch those who are cheaters. If you discover one, you need to send him or her to the principal at once. You also need to keep sharpening your pencils so as to continue to draw on the blackboard. You should aim to become the best and the most popular teacher among students. What’s more, apart from the regular features, players can also subscribe to the premium features of the game to enjoy VIP outfits without the interference of ads as well as to play mini-games and gain doubled earnings.


【Pros and Cons】


1. The game enables players to have an authentic experience of the life of a teacher.

2. Interesting interactions between the teacher and students are pretty entertaining and educational.

3. Players will enjoy multiple premium features once they subscribe to the VIP plan.

4. The 3D graphic design is immersive and realistic.

5. Apart from the main game, it also features many mini-games, which are quite fun and entertaining, enriching the gameplay of players.



1. Some of the correct choices can only be accessed by clicking on the ads, leading to crashes of the game, which is unreasonable.

2. Some of the questions are really difficult to answer, challenging the common sense of players.

3. It can not be enjoyed offline even though it says it can be played offline in its promotion ads.


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