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Tangle Master 3D

Size : 131.07 Mb
Version: 33.5.0
Updated: November 26, 2021
Size : 586.69 Mb
Version: 33.5
Updated: November 26, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to play】

In Tangle Master 3D, the gameplay revolves around the intriguing challenge of untangling ropes and pins. Each level presents a complex web of intertwined ropes and pins, all with different colors. Your primary objective is to strategically sort and match these ropes by their colors, effectively untangling the mess.

The limited number of moves adds an element of strategy and urgency to the game. As you plan your actions, you must be mindful of the move counter displayed on the screen. This counter indicates the maximum number of actions you can take to unravel the ropes and solve the puzzle. This constraint adds a layer of complexity, requiring players to think critically about each move they make.

When you start untangling ropes, it's essential to focus on identifying ropes and pins with the same color. Your journey begins by selecting one end of a rope and carefully tracing it through the puzzle to find its corresponding counterpart. Dragging the ropes to separate them can seem deceptively simple at first, but as the puzzles grow in complexity, it becomes increasingly challenging to ensure they don't overlap or get entangled with other ropes.

Strategic planning and spatial awareness are key to success in Tangle Master 3D. You must think ahead and visualize the untangled outcome before making your moves. Avoiding unnecessary actions and using your limited moves wisely is crucial to progress through the game efficiently.


【Pros and cons】


1.Tangle Master 3D offers a challenging and engaging puzzle experience that requires logical thinking and spatial awareness.

2.If you enjoy mind games and riddles, this game provides a satisfying challenge that keeps your brain active.

3. With hundreds of unique levels, the game offers a variety of challenges to keep you entertained.


1.Some players have reported that the game becomes repetitive after reaching a certain level, with puzzles repeating and challenges not evolving.

2.Some users have encountered glitches, such as twisted ropes not untangling correctly, which can affect gameplay.


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