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Super Mario Run

Size : Depends on the device
Version: 3.0.24
Updated: December 1, 2021
Size : 262.54 Mb
Version: 3.0.24
Updated: December 6, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

Super Mario Run is a parkour game that was first released in December 2016, the game combines its classic elements with modern parkour gameplay to bring players a new gaming experience. The gameplay is very simple, but very challenging. Players need to control the Mario character to automatically run forward, by tapping the screen to jump and avoid obstacles. Players need to collect coins, stomp on enemies, unlock hidden paths and more in different levels to reach the final destination. There is also a special mode called "Player Versus", where players can compete against other players around the world for the highest score.  


【Pros and Cons】


1. One of the noticeable strengths of Super Mario Run is its beautiful graphics and sound. The game uses a refined pixel style, so that players feel a strong nostalgic atmosphere. At the same time, the sound effects in the game are excellent, and the sounds of each character jumping and the cries of enemies are pleasing. This carefully designed graphics and sound makes the game more lively and interesting.

2. What’s more, the game also provides a wealth of levels and challenges. Players can explore multiple worlds in the game, each with a different theme and level design. The difficulty of the levels increases gradually, and players need to improve their skills and reflexes to complete them. 3. In addition, there are many hidden items and secrets that players can unlock for additional fun and rewards.



1. The free trial mode of the game is relatively short, and players need to purchase the full version to unlock all levels and features. This may be a less friendly design for some players, as they may not be willing to spend extra money to purchase the game.

2. The game's online battle mode may be affected by the network connection, resulting in an unstable game experience. This is very frustrating for a game that needs to compete in real time.

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