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SpongeBob SquarePants

Size : 41.94 Mb
Version: 1.2.3
Updated: December 15, 2021
Size : 3.1 Gb
Version: 1.2.4
Updated: December 16, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

Make Friends with characters originating from the world-famous cartoon SpongeBob and get ready to explore the underwater world while fighting against the evil Plankton to stop it from ruling Bikini Bottom. As a player, your major task is to save the world from rampant robots using your mighty bubbles. You can choose between different characters to play the role of them, be it SpongeBob, Patrick, or Sandy, each with unique sets of skills at your disposal. Therefore, you should learn about their strengths and weaknesses before deciding which role to play and make full use of their advantaged skills during the gameplay. You can expect to have a fabulous visual as well as audio experience meeting familiar characters and exploring every detail of the game world. The game requires players’ full attention and persistence in order to win. Therefore, players should stick to the end and never give up in the middle of the gameplay. The game supports both consoles as well as PC ports, so players can choose which device to play with according to their personal conditions.

【Pros and Cons】


1. Players will be able to play the familiar roles of the original characters in SpongeBob.

2. The game features 3D graphic rendering as well as original sound effects, bringing players an immersive and original gameplay experience.

3. Players can happily enjoy the game with full controller support.

4. As a faithful remake of the classic game, this version adopts the details of the original cartoon, enabling players to explore the Bikini Bottom freely.

5. No ads are played within the game.



1. It is a paid game so players need to pay for that before installing it on mobile devices.

2. When playing the game using a wireless Xbox controller, the RB button doesn’t work properly, causing issues during the gameplay.


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