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Pokémon UNITE

Size : 759.17 Mb
Updated: September 17, 2021
Size : 810.54 Mb
Version: 1.2.1
Updated: September 14, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to play】

When embarking on your Pokémon Unite game journey, it's essential to carefully select your Pokémon. You should know that each Pokémon possesses unique abilities and plays a distinct role on the team and there is no one Pokémon that is strong in all regards. New players may find it beneficial to start with versatile Pokémon like Pikachu or Charizard, capable of adapting to various situations.

In Pokémon Unite, mastering advanced controls is crucial. By switching to Advanced Control settings, you can use different buttons to target specific opposing Pokémon. This feature prevents accidental targeting of wild Pokémon during battles, ensuring you maintain better control.

As you progress through the match, your Pokémon will level up, unlocking new abilities. Pay close attention to the moves you learn, as they can significantly impact your combat style. Experiment with different move combinations to discover your ideal playstyle.

Effective teamwork is the key to victory in Pokémon Unite. Communicate with your teammates using signals, quick-chat messages, and, for the first time in a Pokémon game, voice chat. Coordination and cooperation are essential for achieving success.

 【Pros and cons】


1. The game's cross-platform support allows players to compete together, expanding the player base and ensuring a larger pool of opponents.

2. Pokémon Unite offers a fresh take on the traditional Pokémon battles by blending them with the strategic gameplay of a MOBA, providing a unique and engaging experience for fans of both genres.

3.  Pokémon Unite offers a fresh take on the traditional Pokémon battles by blending them with the strategic gameplay of a MOBA, providing a unique and engaging experience for fans of both genres.


1.Like many free-to-play games, Pokémon Unite includes microtransactions for in-game currency, items, and cosmetics. While not inherently negative, some players may find these monetization options overwhelming.

2.Some players have reported encountering technical problems, including difficulties with loading, updating, or connecting to servers, which can hinder the overall experience.



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