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My Child Lebensborn

Size : 79.69 Mb
Version: 1.5.110
Updated: September 15, 2021
Size : 461.52 Mb
Version: 1.5.1
Updated: January 12, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The player takes on the role of a foster father or mother, caring for and raising children abandoned by the war. The player needs to meet the daily needs of the child, such as feeding, bathing, playing and communicating. Proper care and love will contribute to the healthy growth of children. In the game, the player needs to develop the character and skills of the child. Through interactions and choices with the child, the player can influence the child's behavior and direction of development. At the same time, players also need to teach their children important life skills such as values, ethics and social skills. In the game, children may face discrimination and abuse from society. Players need to help children cope with these challenges, protect their rights and improve their mental resilience. The player's choices and decisions will affect the child's mental state and life outcomes. Through interaction and investigation with the child, players can gradually learn about the child's backstory and their family history. This will reveal the damage war does to children and their families, and help players better understand and connect with children.


【Pros and Cons】


1. Set in post-World War II Norway, the game centers on a child abandoned by war, revealing the brutal effects of war on innocent children. Through a touching story and emotional story, the game triggers empathy and reflection in the player.

2. Players can interact with children to understand and develop their character and skills through care, teaching and companionship. This deep character interaction provides the player with more emotional connection and engagement.

3. Choices and decisions in play can have an impact on a child's growth and life outcomes. Players are faced with moral choices, such as how to deal with discrimination and abuse, and how to guide their children in the right direction. This provides an opportunity to reflect and discuss ethical issues.

4. The game uses attractive music and beautiful art style to create a real and warm game atmosphere. The music and art styles add emotional layers and appeal to the game.



The game's theme and plot are relatively sensitive, involving depictions of war and racial discrimination. Some players may feel uncomfortable with the violence and abuse scenes in the game, especially for sensitive players.

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