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Mario Kart Tour

Size : 141.56 Mb
Version: 2.14.0
Updated: June 23, 2022
Size : 235.16 Mb
Version: 2.14.0
Updated: July 4, 2022

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The gameplay of Mario Kart Tour is based on the classic Mario Kart games, but improved and optimized for mobile devices. Players need to control the driver to race on a variety of tracks, compete with other players and strive to win the championship. In the game, players can collect and use various items, such as banana peels, red missiles, stars, etc., to attack opponents or gain additional acceleration. Each character has its own special abilities and skills, and players can choose the character that suits them according to their preferences. There are multiple seasons and Tours to choose from in the game, each with a unique theme and challenge. Players need to continuously improve their levels and track scores to unlock new tracks and characters. In addition, Mario Kart Tour introduces a new "Touring Mall" feature, where players can purchase new drivers, cars and accessories by using virtual currency to enhance their racing abilities and gaming experience.


【Pros and Cons】


1. Mario Kart Tour is an extension of the classic series Mario Kart for mobile devices. It retains the classic racing gameplay and characters, allowing players to continue to experience classic game fun on mobile devices.

2. The game uses high-quality graphics and sound effects to bring the track and characters to life. The exquisite graphics and realistic sound create an immersive gaming experience for the player.

3. There are a variety of tracks to choose from in the game, each with its own unique design and difficulty. At the same time, the game also provides a large number of driver and racing characters for players to unlock and choose from, increasing the variety and playability of the game.

4. Mario Kart Tour allows players to compete with other players in real time. Players can improve their competitive level by competing for rankings and competing against their friends.



In the game, players collect items to attack opponents or gain acceleration. However, item acquisition is random, which can cause some players to be affected by luck in the competition, rather than just skill and strategy.

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