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King's Choice

Size : 67.11 Mb
Updated: November 24, 2021
Size : 233.21 Mb
Version: 1.19.20
Updated: November 8, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

As for the gameplay, players need to manage their own kingdom, including the collection and utilization of resources, the construction and upgrading of buildings, and the research and development of technology. Players can collect resources through taxation, trade and other ways, and then use the resources to build cities, train armies, develop technology and so on. At the same time, players also need to formulate policies, including tax policy, foreign policy, military policy, etc., to ensure the stability and development of the kingdom. In addition to managing the kingdom, players can also engage in diplomacy and war with other players. Players can form alliances with other players to fight against opposing forces, or they can choose to go it alone and fight for territory and resources. In war, players need to command their troops to fight, while also considering diplomacy, negotiating and communicating with other players.


【Pros and Cons】


1. One of the game's strengths is its depth and strategy. Players need to consider various factors, including the allocation of resources, the formulation of policies, the handling of diplomacy, etc., in order to ensure the prosperity and security of the kingdom. Players need to weigh pros and cons and make informed decisions, while also being flexible in responding to various contingencies and challenges. The war in the game also requires the player to carry out strategic planning and command, testing the player's wisdom and decisiveness.

2. Additionally, the game is highly playable. Players can choose different gameplay and development directions, can choose to become a peaceful king, can choose to become a conqueror.

3. The tasks and activities in the game are also very diverse, and players can choose to participate in them according to their preferences and experience different game fun.



Some activities and tasks in the game may seem repetitive and boring, lacking in freshness and challenge.

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