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Getting Over It

Size : 135.27 Mb
Version: 1.9.4
Updated: October 10, 2020
Size : 248.31 Mb
Version: 1.14
Updated: July 26, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The core of the game is to overcome various difficult obstacles. Players need to control characters with hammers to climb and jump in a variety of harsh environments. Players need to overcome obstacles through reasonable operation and precise control to avoid falling or slipping. There are many different paths to success hidden in the game. Players need to navigate around obstacles by observing and analyzing the game environment, discovering and exploiting hidden paths. This adds a certain element of puzzle to the game, allowing the player to find the best path through the challenge. Getting Over It is a very challenging game, players need to keep working hard and keep trying to overcome difficult problems. Players may fail and fall many times, but they need to remain patient and determined, as well as constantly improve and improve their skills. There are many hidden areas in the game that players can explore and discover. These hidden areas may contain additional rewards or challenges that increase the depth and playback value of the game.


【Pros and Cons】


1. The gameplay of the game is very unique, players need to climb and jump by controlling a character holding a hammer. This control mode requires the player's operation and reaction speed to be extremely high, which brings the player a very challenging game experience.

2. The game uses a simple graphics style and sound effects, so that players can focus on the challenge and fun of the game. The simple design of the game interface also provides the player with a clear view, helping them to better grasp the movements of the hammer character.

3. Due to the extremely difficult and challenging nature of the game, players need to constantly work hard and try to gradually overcome difficulties. This fosters perseverance and determination in players and helps them overcome setbacks and difficulties in real life.

4. Getting Over It is a popular game with a large community of players worldwide. Players can communicate and share their experiences and skills with other players, increasing the social interaction and fun of the game.



The game's extremely difficult level may be too challenging for some players. Game failures and falls can lead to frustration and boredom in some players.

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