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Flex Run 3D

Size : 61.87 Mb
Version: 1.7.0
Updated: November 17, 2021
Size : 202.53 Mb
Version: 1.8.0
Updated: November 18, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to play】

Flex Run 3D is a unique and entertaining yoga simulation arcade game that challenges your flexibility and reflexes. In this game, you'll navigate a 3D world filled with furniture obstacles. Your primary goal is to steer your character clear of various furniture obstacles, such as chairs, tables, and more, as you progress through the game. This requires quick thinking and adaptability.

The core gameplay mechanic revolves around changing your character's posture and position. By dragging on the screen, you can prompt your character to perform different yoga poses and movements, allowing you to navigate around furniture and obstacles effectively.

Upon reaching the end wall of each level without colliding with any furniture, you have completed your primary objective. However, the challenge doesn't end there. Look for purple walls adorned with numbered circles, even after reaching the end wall. Your character can still change their posture and actions to collect these circles, adding an extra layer of complexity to the game. In a word, the game’s success hinges on flexibility. Experiment with various drag motions to understand your character's responses better. Discover the optimal postures to maneuver through the levels effectively.

【Pros and cons】


1.Flex Run 3D offers a distinctive gaming experience by combining yoga simulation with arcade elements, providing players with a fresh and engaging challenge.

2.The game's concept of using yoga poses and posture changes to navigate through obstacles is creative and adds a unique twist to the endless runner genre.

3.Flex Run 3D challenges players' reflexes and adaptability as they must quickly adjust their character's movements to avoid collisions, making it an enjoyable test of skill.


1. While the gameplay is unique, it may lack the depth and complexity found in other games, potentially leading to shorter play sessions.

2. The game's content, such as the number of levels or environments, may be limited, potentially leading to a lack of long-term replayability.


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