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Five Nights at Freddy's 3

Size : 63.96 Mb
Version: 2.0
Updated: February 3, 2020
Size : 68.14 Mb
Version: 2.0
Updated: February 4, 2020

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 is set in a horror amusement park. The player takes on the role of a night guard tasked with protecting his life throughout the night while searching for clues hidden in the playground and solving the mysteries of the past. Unlike the previous two works, this one focuses on the use of surveillance cameras and maintenance equipment. Players need to constantly monitor the camera to make sure there are no scary robots near them, while sensitive operations and repair work are required to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly.


【Pros and Cons】


1. This game successfully creates a tense, scary atmosphere. The sound effects, visuals, and horror characters are all well designed to make the player feel oppressed and scared. For those who love horror games, this game will undoubtedly bring the ultimate horror experience.

2. It has a unique setting and development in the storyline. The game takes the player into a mysterious world and gradually reveals the story behind the entire series by discovering hidden clues and solving puzzles. This gripping story design makes the player not only experience the horror, but also engage with it.

3. This game introduces new gameplay and mechanics to increase the depth and challenge of the game. Compared with the previous game, players need to be more flexible in the use of surveillance cameras and maintenance equipment to protect themselves, increasing the game's strategic and operational.



1. The high difficulty of this game may be too difficult for some new players. The right decisions need to be made quickly in the game, or the consequences can be fatal. This can frustrate some players and limit the game's audience.

2. While the story and horror are compelling, the repetitive nature of the gameplay can be boring for some players. The need to repeatedly monitor the camera in the game, performing similar tasks, may reduce the appeal of the game after a while.

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