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Five Nights at Freddy's 2

Size : 112.20 Mb
Version: 2.0.3
Updated: November 7, 2020
Size : 123.41 Mb
Version: 2.0.3
Updated: November 8, 2020

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The gameplay of Five Nights at Freddy's 2 is unique and intense, players need to use cameras in the monitoring room to observe various areas of the entertainment venue. The surveillance system provides a live feed of the camera, allowing the player to observe the movements and positions of the robot animals. Robot animals become active at night and try to enter the control room where the player is. Players need to use equipment such as doors and lights to block the approach of robot animals. However, these devices have limited power, and players need to properly distribute power and control how often the devices are used. What’s more, paying attention to the monitoring screen at all times and discover the actions of the robot animals and respond in time are also necessary. If the player does not close the door or light in time, the robot animal may enter the control room and simply end the game. At the same time, players also need to be aware of grabbing machines and masks in the control room, which may also attract the attention of the robot animal. By observing and studying clues and secrets in the control room, players can gradually unravel the scary secrets behind the entertainment venue. Solving these puzzles may reveal more about the robotic animals and venues.


【Pros and Cons】


1. The game creates an atmosphere of tension and oppression by limiting the appearance of electricity and robot animals. Players need to be constantly vigilant, deal with crises, and develop effective strategies for their own survival.

2. There are many secrets and puzzles hidden in the game, and players can gradually uncover the horror behind the entertainment venues by observing and interpreting clues. These puzzles add to the exploration and story of the game, making it more immersive for the player.

3. Five Nights at Freddy's 2 offers a compelling plot filled with mystery and horror elements. By exploring and solving puzzles, players gradually learn about the stories and characters behind them.



This is a horror survival game with various horror elements and scary scenarios. This can cause some players to feel nervous, fearful or even uncomfortable during the game.

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