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Five Nights at Freddy's

Size : 112.20 Mb
Version: 2.0.2
Updated: August 1, 2020
Size : 115.47 Mb
Version: 2.0.2
Updated: August 4, 2020

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The gameplay of Five Nights at Freddy's is simple and intense, with players required to survive five nights in a ghost-infested entertainment venue. Players in the game can observe various areas of the entertainment venue through surveillance cameras. Players need to constantly switch cameras and keep an eye out for ghosts and robots to keep themselves safe. In the game, the player is in a room with a limited power supply. Players need to be careful with the use of electricity to avoid running out of power and disabling surveillance cameras and security doors, allowing ghosts and robots to enter the room. Ghosts and robots in the game will be active at night, they will try to get to the player and cause damage. Players need to close the security door of the room to prevent them from entering, and use traps to protect themselves. In the game, players also need to unlock the secrets of the entertainment place by observing and discovering hidden clues. By finding clues, players can learn more about ghosts and robots and improve their ability to survive.


【Pros and Cons】


1. The game brings exciting game experience to players through a unique scary atmosphere and intense rhythm. Players need to stay alert at all times, keeping an eye out for ghosts and robots to keep themselves safe.

2. The game is equipped with excellent sound effects and music to enhance the scary atmosphere and tension of the game. These sound effects and music match the game Settings and characters, making the whole game more realistic and disturbing.

3. The game hides a rich storyline, players can find clues and solve puzzles, and gradually uncover the secrets of the entertainment venue. This compelling storyline adds to the game's playability and fun to explore.

4. The operation of the game is relatively simple, players only need to use the mouse and keyboard to switch cameras, close doors and use traps. This makes the game easy to play and does not require complex control skills.



The gameplay in the game is relatively simple, mainly focused on the process of surviving five nights. For players looking for more depth and a long-term challenge, the content can seem limited.

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