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DogLife: BitLife Dogs

Size : 92 Mb
Version: 1.2.1
Updated: November 24, 2021
Size : 163.28 Mb
Version: 1.0
Updated: November 2, 2021

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【How to Play】

DogLife is an innovative mobile game developed by Candywriter, LLC that places you in the paws of a virtual dog. Just like BitLife, where players navigate the life of a human character through text-based decisions, DogLife extends that premise to the canine world.

Starting as a puppy, players must make various choices that will affect the course of their dog’s life. The player can be adopted by various families, and the environment plays a crucial role in the dog’s overall well-being. Each year, the player confronts scenarios where they can choose from different actions, like obeying or disobeying their owner, interacting with other animals, or even chasing the mailman.

Maintaining your dog’s health, happiness, and intelligence is key. Just like in real life, dogs in DogLife need to be trained, fed, exercised, and given attention. Proper care can lead to a long, joyous life, but negligence can have dire consequences.

As the dog ages, there are opportunities for adventures and even starting a family. Each breed has unique challenges, and players can experience life from the perspective of many different breeds, each with its quirks. Life choices also depend on whether the dog is a street dog, a household pet, or a show dog. With endless outcomes based on decisions, players are in for a unique experience with each playthrough.

In conclusion, DogLife is a captivating extension of the BitLife universe, offering a fresh, canine twist. While it has its downsides, it’s worth a play for those intrigued by a dog’s life journey.

【Pros and Cons】


1. Much like its predecessor, DogLife offers an array of situations, making each game experience distinct.

2. Players can learn about different dog breeds, their needs, and general canine behavior.

3. The text-based decisions keep players on their toes, ensuring they’re actively involved in shaping the dog’s life.

4. With multiple breeds and infinite outcomes, players can enjoy the game over and over.

5. Not many games allow players to experience life from a dog’s perspective, making DogLife truly unique.



1. Being text-based, players looking for visually stunning graphics might be disappointed.

2. New players might find it challenging initially to understand how each decision affects the outcome.

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