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Color Match

Size : 329.25 Mb
Version: 3.5.0
Updated: April 4, 2022
Size : 415.80 Mb
Version: 3.5.0
Updated: April 5, 2022

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to play】

Color Match revolves around the concept of blending colors with precision to match objects. Successful matches result in copies that can be sold to finance your decorating endeavors.

After skillfully mixing your paint, the green tick button serves as your means of evaluating your creation against the target object's color. Should your match fall short of expectations, the purple continue button offers a return to the paint palette for further refinements.

In the world of artistry, it's a well-known fact that relying solely on a single dab of each color often proves insufficient to achieve the precise match you desire. Subtle nuances may escape notice until a side-by-side comparison is performed. Don't hesitate to apply multiple layers of paint to fine-tune your color mixture.

The application phase is where your meticulous color blending truly comes to life. While painting the object during the second part of the challenge, it's imperative to be attentive to the green button. Its discreet flash signals that complete coverage has been achieved. A vigilant eye ensures no nook or cranny is left unpainted.

【Pros and cons】


1. Players are encouraged to experiment with colors and techniques to achieve the perfect match. This creativity is rewarded with in-game currency, contributing to the overall satisfaction of gameplay.

2. Matching colors might seem simple, but the game introduces subtle differences and complexities that keep players engaged and invested in achieving precision.

3.  The game continually expands its range of objects, providing a diverse canvas for players to explore and paint. This variety adds to the game's overall appeal.


1. Coloring Match may lack the depth and complexity that more seasoned gamers seek. It's primarily designed for casual play and may not provide a deep gaming experience.

2. Depending on the implementation of in-app purchases and ads, players may find the game's monetization strategy intrusive or disruptive to their gaming experience.


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