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Clue: The Classic Mystery Game

Size : 52.43 Mb
Version: 2.8.14
Updated: December 14, 2021
Size : 1.4 Gb
Version: 2.8.15
Updated: December 20, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

As in the original murder mystery, Clue: The Classic Mystery Game is played in a similar manner. The players play roles in a luxurious manor and are invited to a dinner party; however, the manor owner is murdered just as the dinner party begins. In order to solve the mystery, players must collect clues, eliminate suspects, guess the killer, the weapon, and the crime's location.


At the start of the game, each participant is provided with a number of cards that depict the potential culprit, weapon, and crime scene. Participants can opt to navigate various rooms of the mansion, engage with fellow players, or explore the rooms for additional hints. Once participants believe they have deduced the solution, they can propose their theories and document them in a game center notebook. To enhance the element of chance and difficulty, a unique game mechanism is employed that enables participants to clandestinely listen in on others' theories using a pager, thereby gaining a better understanding of the situation. Furthermore, the game permits participants to temporarily confine others to specific rooms in order to impede their access to clues. Participants will need to skillfully employ their strategic and logical thinking abilities in order to successfully unravel this perplexing enigma.


【Pros and Cons】


1. Players can relish the original enigma game encounter as the game preserves timeless features of the initial murder mystery like the mansion design, role-playing, and thrilling enigmas. With a captivating plot and narrative, the game keeps players on edge, providing constant tension and tests.

2. The game caters to diverse player preferences with a range of game modes and difficulty levels. Whether it's engaging in LAN multiplayer with friends on the same device, challenging online opponents, or competing against AI, players have the freedom to choose their preferred style of play.

3. Furthermore, the game also presents customizable rule options, allowing players to personalize game specifics and enhance the pleasure and longevity of gameplay.



This game can have a learning curve for newcomers. The rules of the original murder mystery are relatively complex and take a certain amount of time to learn and understand. This can be confusing for players who are not familiar with the rules of the game.

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