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Castle Raid!

Size : 111.15 Mb
Version: 1.9.3
Updated: November 16, 2021
Size : 357.98 Mb
Version: 1.9.3
Updated: November 20, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

Castle Raid is a strategy game that takes place in a medieval setting. The goal of the game is to defend your own castle while attacking your opponent's castle. To do this, you must collect resources, build up your army, and create a strong defense.

【How to Play】

Be a wise leader and lead your team to rush through barriers and herds of enemies until you take down the whole castle. In this action and strategy game Castle Raid, players will launch a series of attacks towards the castle by leading a bunch of warriors in color blue, and you have to cut your way for them so as to let them get through the obstacles. You should make different strategies based on different situations, cutting the grass either in one line or multiple lines to emerge or split the crowd. If you happen to come across moving boosters, try to let your people bump into the boosters so their number will get multiplied. After successfully passing the obstacles, get ready to fight against the red enemies. If you win over them, your people can rush through the gate of the castle and get rated. If you are lucky enough, you will be able to reach the treasure box and open the box to attain bonuses and rewards. But if you fail during the battle, you have to watch a 20-second long ad in order to play the game again. Sounds quite interesting right? Why don’t you have a try right away?

【Pros and Cons】


1. Featuring simple and intriguing gameplay mechanics, the game is easy for players to master and get addicted to.

2. The leaderboard makes the game even more competitive and more engaging.

3. Players can sharpen their minds through the strategy-making process.



1. The game contains too many ads and even after you just finished playing a 20-second long ad, another ad will pop up soon after that.

2. It gets somewhat repetitive after several rounds of the game.

3. A total of 20 levels is not enough for players to have enough enjoyment in the game.



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