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Idle Lumber Empire

Size : 147.85 Mb
Version: 1.3.3
Updated: November 3, 2021
Size : 362.86 Mb
Version: 1.3.4
Updated: November 24, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

The game is a casual management game in which you play as a lumberjack and build your own lumberjack empire. The gameplay of the game is simple and fun, which brings endless fun and challenges to the players. In the game, players need to cut down trees by tapping the screen. Each click is rewarded with timber, which players can sell for gold. As the game progresses, players can upgrade their logging skills and equipment, increasing the cutting speed and wood yield. Players can also hire workers to cut down trees automatically, allowing for more efficient production. In addition, players can purchase new land and equipment to expand their logging empire.


【Pros and Cons】


1. One of the game's strengths is its placement gameplay. Players can choose to have the game run in the background without constantly tapping the screen. This makes the game perfect for players who enjoy casual games and don't want to spend too much time and effort. Players can return to the game at any time, collect wood and gold, and upgrade equipment without missing any important progress.

2. Another advantage is the progression of the game and the sense of accomplishment. As players continue to upgrade their equipment and skills, the production of wood will continue to increase, resulting in more gold income. Players can use these coins to buy more land and equipment to further expand their logging empire.

3. In addition, the game has a number of achievements and goals that players can complete to unlock additional rewards and content, increasing the fun and challenge of the game.



The gameplay is relatively simple and lacks depth and strategy. Players just need to keep tapping the screen to cut down trees and upgrade equipment, without too many decisions and choices. This can lead to some players feeling monotonous and boring, lacking long-term appeal.

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