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100 Years - Life Simulator

Size : 147.85 Mb
Version: 1.4.19
Updated: October 25, 2021
Size : 233.59 Mb
Version: 1.4.24
Updated: November 27, 2021

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to Play】

100 Years - Life Simulator is a very fun and challenging game. It allows players to take on the role of a virtual character and experience a lifetime of experiences and decisions. The game's gameplay is unique, giving players a new perspective to think about life and make choices. The player needs to tap the screen to control the actions of the character. There are many different scenarios and missions in the game, and players can choose their career, get married, have children, buy a house, and more. Every decision has an impact on the character's life and sometimes changes the entire course of the game. Players need to make choices based on their preferences and goals in order to achieve the life they want. 


【Pros and Cons】


1. One of the good advantages about the game is their authenticity. 100 Years - Life Simulator allows players to better understand the complexity and uncertainty of life by simulating situations and decisions in real life. Players can experience a variety of different professions, from doctors to lawyers to entrepreneurs, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities.

2. Another vantage is the playability of the game. 100 Years - Life Simulator offers a number of different missions and goals that players can choose from according to their preferences and goals. Whether it is the pursuit of career success or the pursuit of family happiness, players can find their interests.

3. What’s more, the game has many hidden quests and achievements that players can complete to unlock additional rewards and content, increasing the fun and challenge of the game.



The game's interface and graphics are relatively simple, lacking in detail and refinement. Although this will not affect the gameplay and fun of the game, it may be a bit disappointing for some players who are looking for high-quality graphics.

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