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Size : 83.89 Mb
Version: 1.32.2
Updated: March 1, 2023
Size : 169.00 Mb
Version: 1.11.0
Updated: March 3, 2022

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to play】

Wordle begins with a blank canvas where you make your first guess. Start with a word that you think might be the solution. For instance, "STONE" can be a good starting point.

Wordle provides feedback on your guess using two colors: yellow and green. Yellow indicates that a letter in your guess is part of the hidden word, while green indicates that a letter is in the right position. Use this feedback to refine your guesses.

Wordle is a game of deduction, so use your initial guesses to gather information about the hidden word. When you make your first guess, you're in exploratory mode. You won't guess the word correctly on your first attempt, but you'll learn more about it.

The optimal strategy for Wordle revolves around maximizing entropy, which essentially means creating the most complex and information-rich patterns among possible solutions. This approach helps you narrow down the field of possibilities more quickly.

Rather than focusing solely on common letters, pick an opening word that creates diverse patterns among potential solutions. For instance, "SOARE" might seem unconventional, but it can be highly effective because it leads to a wide range of possible color patterns.

In Wordle, your guesses should be informed by the feedback you receive from previous attempts. If your first guess doesn't reveal much, don't be discouraged. Use the information gained to refine your next guess.

【Pros and cons】


1. Wordle provides a stimulating intellectual challenge that tests your vocabulary and deduction skills. It's a brain-teaser that keeps you engaged and thinking critically.

2. The game is straightforward and easy to understand, making it accessible to players of all ages and skill levels. You don't need to be a word wizard to enjoy Wordle.

3. The color-coded feedback system (yellow for correct letters, green for correct positions) provides valuable information to refine your guesses. It adds a strategic element to the gameplay.


1. Wordle's word database is finite, which means that you might encounter the same words frequently if you play the game regularly. This could lead to repetition and reduced novelty over time.

2. Wordle's core gameplay loop revolves around guessing five-letter words. While it offers an enjoyable challenge, it doesn't provide a wide range of gameplay variety or diverse game modes.


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