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Coffee Stack

Size : 105.91 Mb
Version: 1.10.8
Updated: March 2, 2022
Size : 270.43 Mb
Version: 1.10.10
Updated: March 4, 2022

Playplaygame's Recommend

【How to play】

Coffee Stack revolves around the collection and arrangement of coffee-related items. Your objective is to compile elements such as dixie cups, green coffee liquid, bowl covers, and cup sets onto the platform track in each level. As you advance through the game, you'll encounter hurdles and complexities, so it's essential to remain vigilant and agile to overcome them. The more proficiently you stack cups of coffee, the greater your rewards and overall scores will be.

In your coffee-stacking journey, it's crucial to stay attentive to the platform track's contents as you progress. Whenever you come across coffee ingredients like dixie cups, green coffee liquid, and bowl covers, be proactive in collecting them by guiding your character over these items. Furthermore, exercise caution when dealing with obstacles and moving hands that have the potential to obstruct your path or topple the cups of coffee you've assembled. Precise timing is pivotal, so exercise patience and choose the right moments to navigate past these challenges.

To optimize your rewards and performance, it's advisable to maintain a continuous flow of stacked coffee cups. Avoid depleting your coffee supply completely; instead, be on the lookout for coffee machines along the track where you can refill your coffee. This strategic approach will contribute to better outcomes and enhanced gameplay satisfaction.

【Pros and cons】


1. Coffee Stack offers addictive and engaging gameplay that keeps players coming back for more. The challenge of stacking cups of coffee while avoiding obstacles is both fun and rewarding.

2. The game features an upgrade system that allows players to improve the quality of their coffee, attracting more customers and increasing earnings. This adds a strategic element to the gameplay.

3. Coffee Stack is ideal for short play sessions, making it a perfect choice for quick entertainment during breaks or spare moments.


1.Some players may find the gameplay repetitive after a while. The core mechanics of stacking cups of coffee and avoiding obstacles don't vary significantly throughout the game.

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